Understanding Mass Movements & Mass Manipulation

Understanding Mass Movements & Mass Manipulation




Have you ever wondered how a mass movement begins?

When you understand how mass psychology works you can begin to understand the fundamentals of any mass movement. A mass movement is neither good nor bad, it is simply a change or development on a large scale. However, the leaders of mass movements can dramatically determine the kind of impact and results (positive or negative) the movement creates.

It is important to understand those mass movements are not random, there is actually a specific pattern any movement worth noting follows, and today we are beginning a brand new series where we will dissect mass movements and mass manipulation.

There is nothing more sacred and powerful than your ability to think freely and make decisions based on your own values and critical reasoning. And in this series, we are going to discuss how mass movements will try to manipulate your thinking and ultimately manipulate your behavior.

Enjoy the show!





All right. Hello. And welcome back to another episode of the restored mind show. My name is Matt Codde and thank you so much for hanging out today. So on today's episode, we are going to be starting a brand new series about mass movements and understanding mass movements, and even more importantly, mass manipulation. And, uh, you know, and I I've felt compelled to make this series because just given the political climate that, you know, we're in right now in the United States, um, and, and just kind of watching things unfold from a very broad, uh, level and, and kind of just wanting to share some insight on how mass manipulation works so that you don't find yourself getting roped into it. Right. And, and you're able to, again, stay back from it, um, to, to the point where you're able to use your mind and critically think, right.


Because one of the things that mass movements do by their very nature is they remove critical thinking, right. Which is again, incredibly dangerous, um, as, as I'm sure you know, and have seen as we were, as we've seen in the past. Right. Um, or it can be incredibly dangerous, I'll say that. And so in this particular episode, what I want to do is I want to talk about a high level picture of mass movements and, and what that really looks like. And the three main components that really exist. And then in, as we go deeper in the series, what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually break down each component of a mass movement. And we're going to talk about it on a very in depth level. And I understand that this might not be our particular brand here at restored minds with talking about, um, politics and stuff.


And I'm really, I'm not looking to get into this specifically about politics, but I just, I can't, I can't ignore it. Right. You know what I mean? Like it, like, it's, it's the, the discussion's already there and in, in some ways it's like we have to look at this discussion from a high level. Right. You know, um, this isn't about persuading, anything, any, any way, one way or the other politically, but it's, it's really about seeing things from a different perspective. Right. Um, because some of the stuff that's going on in, uh, in the States right now, you know, it's just, it's just some really repulsive behavior. And in our last series, when we talked about the idea of making change and really understanding the identity level, I think you're, we're, we're really gonna build on that in this series here. Um, when we talk about mass movement, so let's go ahead and break down the three main components of a mass movement.


Right? So the first main component is a charismatic leader, right? Every mass movement, you know, more or less that's ever existed has a charismatic, has a leader, you know, someone who's leading the charge on this movement. Right. And, um, you know, in, in this particular episode, I'm going to use two very polarizing examples. Okay. Because, um, I, I think it's important that we see that this can be good or bad. Right. I, I, you know, a movement is a movement is just that it's a movement. Right. That's all the question is, is, are we involved in movements that we want to be involved in? And, and again, instead of just assuming that your, your movements good, it's really stepping back from it and asking yourself these higher level questions. Right. Because again, they can be good and they can be bad. Right. The second component is a, a cause, right.


An overarching cause of why the movement exists right there in, in, in any movement, there needs to be the movements happening for a reason. Right. If you think about any mission, right. If you think about every movement has a mission statement, right. Any mission that ever exists is a movement against something, right. It, you know, if you do any kind of mission, you, you know, in the military or all that, right. It's like, you're, you're going, you have a direct opposition against something, right. Our mission is to blank, right. In any company, any, any company, anything that's looking to create a culture, you know, most organizations have a mission statement. And the reason is, is because they're declaring what they move against. Right. And then finally, the third component of any real mass movement, any real successful mass movement is a new opportunity, right. This idea that an opportunity where we're presenting a new, new opportunity to engage in, right.


Uh, a new way of doing things. And, and again, I'm going to go back to this again and again, in this series. Yeah. It can be good or that can be bad. So let's go ahead and take two specific examples from history. Um, and we can kind of look at them of how they, how they work. Right. So the first example I'm gonna use is, um, what I would perceive to be a good example of a mass movement. Right. And we're going to use Christianity, right. So Christianity, I mean, it's the predominant religious faith and, um, you know, at least in the United States and obviously in other parts of the world as well. And when we look at let's look at the three components, so of Christianity, when we look at that, right. So, um, you know, the attractive character, right. Or the leader, right.


Was Jesus, right. Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ. Right. And, and so that was really where the epicenter of, of Christianity began and the cause. Right. Or, you know, essentially the, the reason that this movement started was essentially to, um, you know, he came to be the ultimate sacrifice, right. So that, you know, we didn't have to, you know, have to, you know, all the old Testament rules and the offerings and, you know, and all that stuff that happened with, with God, Jesus came to essentially remove all that. Right. And, and, you know, essentially be the ultimate sacrifice, um, and the bridge between sin and God for, for people to, um, you know, have that real relationship and connection with God. And finally, the new opportunity that was presented is, Hey, you don't have to believe, or you don't have to, um, you know, do all these things anymore.


All these rituals, all these, you know, traditions it's, Hey, you just have to believe and receive forgiveness. And you ultimately have, you know, your relationship with God and can go to heaven. And that was a radical idea, right. Back back when you gotta understand, like, I mean, it's something that we've all heard, you know, um, for the most part, but that idea was radical, you know, back because the w they had lived so long a certain way, and this guy comes along as like, Oh, no, well, you know, when I die and rise again, um, ultimately I'll, you know, you can receive forgiveness through me. I can be your sacrifice. Right. Um, and, and that was an example of again, the attractive character or the, uh, you know, the charismatic leader, um, the teacher, right. Because ultimately we need to understand is as humans, we all want to follow, right. Like we have this natural inclination to follow. And so when someone positions himself as a, as a leader, right. We have a natural inclination towards that. And then the cause, right. And then the new opportunity now let's go ahead and look at a bad example in history. Right. And that would be the Nazi movement. Okay. So same thing, right.


The attractive character out off Hitler, right.


The cars, right. To ultimately create a Supreme race. Right. You know, and, and again, you know, he positions his cause in that, and for all these, you know, good things, right. You know, most, most movements will always be in the name of good, right. It's your critical thinking. That's going to allow you to see it for what it really is. Right. And, and as we talk about in this series, I want you to start to see that we all can get manipulated. Everyone's everyone has the capability of being manipulated. And it's so important to realize that, because if you don't, if you think you can't be manipulated, you're almost guaranteed, you are getting manipulated. Right. If you aren't aware of that, I mean, your susceptibility to it is so high. And, um, you know, so the cause is, you know, creating this Supreme race and the new opportunity is, Hey, we're gonna eliminate a bunch of people.


Right. Anyone that's not part of that race to ultimately create this, you know? So it's like, wow, you got to do this bad stuff to get to here. Right. And it's, it's interesting how easily the manipulation can, can lead people again, to doing acts that they never saw themselves doing. Right. And if you look at any again, Colt, right. You know, essentially that's what it is, you know, the root word of culture is cult. Right. So if you look at any cult, it maintains these three things, right. And a cult leader. Right. And then you go into the cost, right. And then you go into the opportunity and, um, you know, you look at things like the, I don't know, the Manson family, right. You look at it. I mean, it's really interesting. I mean, I have a real fascination with studying Colts because you see what people will do when they really get ingrained and indoctrinated in a cult.


And, you know, right now I think it's very prevalent in our, um, in our society because you know, what we have is essentially identity politics and identity culture, right. Or sorry, political culture. Right. And people have been adopted a political belief systems on both sides, right. Again, you know, that, and then they, ultimately, I identify with it and are, again, behaviors being done that is, you know, and in some ways, you know, really, really awful behaviors are being, are being acted out. And in understanding how that happens is important because it, you know, it's, it's to help make sure that you don't get roped into that. Right. And that's really why I wanted to make this series. And so those are the, um, the three main components of a mass movement. And then again, as we go on the series, I'm going to take each one of those and I'm going to break them down so that we understand, um, you know, on just an in depth level, each aspect of that and how it works and what, what, um, movements do in each of these levels to really, again, create a mass movement.


And in some ways manipulate the masses. And I just, uh, my hope is, is that through this series, you can start to see some of the things that might be happening in our, in our culture. Have you live in the States, um, there might be happening that you could fall prey to that hopefully you're able to see and recognize and sidestep, right. And again, maintain that aspect of critical thinking. So, um, you know, for those of you who, uh, found this valuable again, [email protected], we have a bunch of free resources, and we have some links down below where you can access those. And please, as always, we always appreciate, um, you know, you subscribing liking, sharing, um, you know, this as well, uh, to, to help get this information, um, and these resources to people. So thank you so much for taking the time to hang out today. And again, I will see you in the next episode where we're going to dive in depth to be attractive character. And, um, and, and what really goes into that of creating a mass movement. So thank you. And I hope you guys have a wonderful day.


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