How to Create Change - The Power of Story

anxiety beliefs and values change from an external perspective changing the story changing the story we operate from changing your story create change in your life creating change how to create change how to recover from ocd i have ocd mental health obsessive compulsive disorder stress anxiety the power of story things in the world outside of our control try to change things in the outside world what is ocd your story Jan 18, 2022

In this episode, I want to talk about how to create change in your life. Most people look at change from an external perspective. This leads them to try to change things in the outside world. The problem with this approach is that there are too many things in the world outside of our control. So in today's episode, I want to offer a different route and I want to talk about changing the story we operate from. Your story has a profound impact on everything you do. Yet, for many of us, our story may be something we are completely unaware of. Check out the episode to find out more. Have a great day!

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