How to Maintain Internal Peace

How to Maintain Internal Peace


In today’s episode, I discuss the importance of maintaining internal peace, specifically regarding the recent presidential election in the United States. No matter what political views you have, whether your candidate won or lost, you have the CHOICE to be at peace internally, or NOT. 

The deeper I go on this journey of self-healing, the more I truly believe that internal peace has very little to do with external circumstances. And if you don’t invest in learning how to manage yourself emotionally and prioritize your internal peace - you will continue to find yourself lost in chaos.

So in this episode, I am going to share some of the steps that I personally take to maintain my own internal peace, regardless of my external circumstances. Because I realize that my internal state drives my decisions and my behavior, which creates a ripple effect into my family, my friendships, my career and so on. So to create the life that I truly want I have to start by fully managing myself. 

Hope you enjoy the show!





All right. Hey, my friends, and welcome to another episode of the restored mind show. My name is Matt Codde. And for those of you that are with us today, I just want to say welcome. Um, and today I want to talk about the idea of being at internal peace, regardless of external circumstances and why that once, once we realized that it's our job, to make sure that we are internally balanced right. Then if we really focus like that, it doesn't matter what's going on in our external world. We can actually be at peace regardless of our circumstances. Now I know that might be a radical concept and I'm sure, you know, sure. Some of you immediately want to jump to these radical ideas while like, Hey, you know, what, what if you were in prison in the wrong way, or, you know, wrong with wrongfully accused and all this it's like, okay, you know, look, maybe this doesn't apply to everything, but it is definitely applies to what's going on in our current society right now.


You know? So, uh, today as I'm filming this, um, or recording this, we, you know, tomorrow is going to be the presidential election for 2020. And you know, there's a lot of people who are very emotionally invested in the idea of their candidate winning, right. And you know, one of the things that I've talked about with, you know, my family, myself, my wife, my daughter, right? One of the, the main goals that we have right for our household is to be internally at peace with regard, regardless of what happens in the election. Now, obviously, you know, I voted right. You know, and, um, you know, I've, I've cast my ballot. And so is my wife. And, you know, everyone has their ideas of what they would like to happen. Now, the problem is, is that it's not a problem to want something. It's not a problem to, you know, cashier your vote and I encourage everyone to do so.


Um, the problem is, is when you become so emotionally attached to a specific result, that's it, that's out of your control that you will get emotionally disrupted as a result of you not getting what you voted for. Right. And all of us. Right. You know, we, we should go and obviously submit our votes or I submit our voice. Right. And that's like, one of the great things about living in United States is we have that. We have that opportunity. Right. Um, but when it becomes a problem is, is if, you know, if your candidate, or if something you vote for doesn't happen, if you aren't going to be able to be at peace without that happening, you're always going to be at the whim of your external environment, um, which is gonna lead to a lot of chaos in your life. Right? Because think about it.


If your internal wellbeing is contingent on an external reality that you can't control well, when it doesn't go the way you want it to go, what's never going to happen. Is that you're going to get into an internal state of chaos when you're an internal state of chaos. What happens after that? Your behavior follows suit, right? When people, when people, you, what you need to realize is that your world, you know, the things you're in control over your relationship, your job, your finances, your business, you know, all of that, right? Your world is a direct reflection of what's going on inside of you. Right. You know, your, your external world is, is a mirror for your internal world in many ways. And so when you look at something in your life and you don't like it, right. A lot of people, what they try to do is change that, right?


So, you know, they'll, you know, they'll, they might not like their job. Right. And they might not like their business, how it's running. They might not like their relationship. And their first thought is to always change the outside, right. A change boss, or, you know, change your spouse or whatever. Right. When you realize that the only thing that you've ever really had control over is your internal, right? Your internal PR your perception, right? Your belief structures, all these things that happen inside of you and your job has always been to manage that first. Right. And if you manage that, well, your external world tends to, you know, balance out in that same way when you're internally in chaos. And you're trying to change your external world, the reason you're always going to, you're always going to feel frustrated because it's a broken model. You're not in control of your external world all the time.


Right. But when you, once you realize that you're, you are in charge of your internal world, right? Your emotional, well, your emotional balance, your emotional wellbeing, right. Um, you know, the, the stories and belief structures that you're feeding, right. When you realize that you're in charge of that, well, then whatever happens in your external world is, is irrelevant in many ways, because as long as you are okay in here, that's what really matters, right? Because if I'm emotionally invested in a certain result and that result doesn't happen, what's going to happen to me, I'm going to be emotionally disrupted. Then what's going to happen. I'm gonna engage in behaviors that are going to mere that, right. That you know, and, and that's why when you talk about, um, you know, people getting destructive and writing and things like that, it's like, it actually has nothing to do with the external, in many ways, it has, it has many things to do with the idea that they're, they're emotionally attached to a specific outcome that's out of their control.


And because of that, they don't know what to do with it. Right. So the emotional disruption just naturally leads to chaotic, um, behavior and in a chaotic environment in many ways. So, you know, as we, as we go into this week, um, I wanted to, you know, put this kind of special episode out because I think, I think the best thing that many of us, the only right, that many of us should be really focused on is how can I be okay, regardless of what happens, you know, because there's many things that we aren't in control over. And if you, again, if you're invested emotionally at the idea that this needs to happen, and if it doesn't, I'm not going to be okay, well, if you're having that belief structure and you're thinking that the world, or that this result needs to happen, or I'm not okay, you're not going to be okay, because even if it does happen in the next four years, something else might change.


And, you know, your goal, your, your, you know, drive, you know, always should be to be in control of yourself to be balanced, to be healthy. And how do you do that? Well, you know, you focus internally first and, and once you can really master the internal, the external, um, in many ways doesn't matter. And I know that sounds radical. I know it sounds crazy. And look, I'm not here to tell you that I've figured it all out and that I have it down perfectly. I don't, but I know I, you know, at least at this point in my life, you know, my wife and I have had several discussions on this, that our goal is to be emotionally detached from specific results and being able to be at balance and a peace with whatever happens, that's beyond our control. Because if we do that, you know, ultimately that's a win for me and my wife and our family, because when, if we allow that to disrupt us, and we bring that chaos into our home in front of our daughter, and, you know, our, you know, who knows arguments and arguments with friends and into our relationships and all of that stuff, right.


And an extended family, that's not good, right. Because now I'm letting something that's beyond my control. Not only impact me, but impact my friendships, other relationships, my job, right. Like, you know, with clients, I mean, you know, it can just go on and on and on. And that's why, um, you know, the, the one thing that I just really, I want for, for everyone that's listening to this is to be at peace. Right. You know, because, and, and to be emotionally balanced and emotionally healthy, because that is going to have the trickle effect of positivity into every other aspect of your life. And, and realizing that, realizing that how you are internally, that you have a ripple effect in all these areas, right? All these different aspects of your life. And once you realize that, then you start to see the importance of being internally at peace, internally balanced, because you realize it's not just about you, like how you are internally is going to impact how you are with your significant other or your children, or your friends, or your family and or people at work.


And that carries on to their internal and so on and so forth and so forth. So, you know, a restored minds, we always have that, that fundamental idea that in order to create a better world, I start with myself and I start with my mind, my emotional and mental wellbeing. And I work from there. I don't control my world to make that better. I make that better to ultimately, you know, heal and, and have a better world out in front of me. Because again, when we start from within, that's the area that we needed to take responsibility for, and that's the area we have the most control over. And if we work from that, right, you're going to see the work much more clearly and what you need to do, because you're going to have things that you can do. It's something within your control, right.


If you're having a bad, emotional reaction to something, well, ask yourself like, well, why, you know, why am I so invested in this, right. Why am I so emotionally disrupted? Because this person got elected and this person didn't, you know, am I playing out these things that aren't actually happening and reacting to that, those things, right. You know, my future pacing, these catastrophic events that are happening, and then actually emotionally reacting to that, because that's when the chaos really builds. Right. You're okay. Now with whatever happens right in the election, you're okay right now. And that's all that matters and you're going to be okay in five seconds from now and so on and so forth and working from now and working from your own internal space, that's going to give you the most control. Right. And give you the most focus on what you can actually doing to, to be, you know, the best person you can be.


So, um, you know, regardless of what happens on Tuesday, uh, you know, my, my challenge this week to, uh, to you is to be at peace with whatever happens, whether it's what you wanted or not, not to get too high or too low and just, you know, okay, Hey, we voted, this happened. And how can I be in at the most balanced state of myself, not just for me, but for everyone else around me. And if you're the person who tends to get radical one way or the other, like let's say your candidate wins. That doesn't mean you should go into work and rub it in someone's face who voted opposite of you. It's like, like what, who does, uh, you know, w what does that say about you? If you're that kind of person, conversely, if your candidate doesn't win, you don't need to go and complain and complain, and then get in an argument with someone at work, because you know, it didn't go your way.


Both are both are not okay. You know, and, and remembering that, you know, it's like, and, and, you know, everyone has their own beliefs for their own and, and votes their own ways based on so many factors. And, and again, allow like, let that happen, right? That's, that's, that's a beautiful thing in many ways. Um, and so, you know, just wanting to kind of, to tie that up, um, you know, and, and at least present that this week as we move in, I know that there's going to be people that are going to be in a chaotic state, and, and that's going to be beyond your control too. There are going to be people that are very upset, regardless of what happens. There's going to be a big group of people, you know, that are very upset. My challenge is to use you to be, to, for you to be balanced, right, for you to be in control of yourself and for you to be okay.


And if you can do that, that's a win, right? Because then the people in your life are going to be better off the people at your work are going to be better off. And, and that ripple effect of positivity is going to happen because you took responsibility for yourself and you chose to be in control of yourself and not let an external event disrupt you to the point where it ripples in a negative way. So hopefully, um, you know, that's, that's helpful. Hopefully that makes sense. And, uh, you know, I really appreciate you for taking the time for, for hanging out together today. If you're looking for more resources, when it comes to, you know, building better mental health with, you know, stress and anxiety, we have some free resources link down below in the notes. So just go and click over that. You'll be taken to a place where you can get some, uh, you know, immediate downloads. We also have, um, our community as well, where we do live calls as well. And, um, and other trainings for you at over-stored So thank you for taking the time to be with us today. And, um, I wish you guys a great week, and I will look forward to seeing you on our next episode. Thank you.


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