Three Blind Men & An Elephant

anxiety recovery change from an external perspective first step to recovery guidance with ocd & anxiety recovery ocd & anxiety from the perspective ocd & anxiety recovery ocd and anxiety recovery ocd recovery ocd recovery guidance ocd recovery journey recovery from ocd & anxiety recovery process road to recovery three blind men and an elephant Jan 18, 2023

This episode aims to explore the parable of the three blind men and an elephant and how it can help people with OCD and Anxiety recovery. It begins by introducing the ancient story that communicated the difference between subjective and objective truth. It will discuss how the different perspectives of each of the blind men can be a metaphor for a person’s own different perspectives and experiences, and how understanding and accepting these different perspectives can help people with OCD and Anxiety in their recovery process. This video will be helpful to those who are struggling with OCD and Anxiety, and also to those who want to learn more about the parable and how it can be applied to life.

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