Where are you getting in your own way

Jun 27, 2024

In this episode of The OCD and Anxiety Show, we tackle the simple yet profound question: "Where are you getting in your own way?" Join us as we explore how this question can illuminate obstacles in the process of managing OCD and anxiety, and discover strategies to overcome these self-imposed barriers.

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How to Use Affirmations in Your Recovery

May 24, 2023

In this episode, I am going to discuss affirmations and how to use them effectively in your life and recovery.

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How Instagram Ads Can Help You Overcome OCD

Jan 11, 2023

In this new series, I am going to share a different perspective on OCD & Anxiety recovery. I am going to talk about Instagram Ads and how understanding Ads can really help you understand OCD & Anxiety Recovery in a new light.

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Anxiety & Leaps of Faith

May 06, 2020

Anxiety & Leaps of Faith


In this episode, I  talk about taking leaps of faith. Taking a leap of faith essentially means to act on something without being certain of the outcome. For example, when you ask someone on a date, you can’t be certain if they are going to say “Yes” until after you ask. Taking action is...

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Growing Through Crisis

Apr 22, 2020

Growing Through Crisis



In this episode, I am joined by my good friend Jason Schnitzer, to discuss the idea of growing through a crisis. Now this pandemic has forced us to encounter challenges like we have never seen before, but instead of viewing these challenges as something to endure we can view them as opportunities for growth. Check...

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Happy New Year - Anxiety Recovery 2020

Jan 08, 2020

Happy New Year - Anxiety Recovery 2020


Happy New Year and Welcome to 2020. In this episode I offer three practical thoughts on how to make this year your breakthrough year. Enjoy the show!


00:05 All right, Hey my friends and welcome to this week's episode. And today is exciting because it is the start of a new year in a new decade,...

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