OCD & Anxiety Treatment - Stepping Into The Fire

Sep 24, 2021

To put very simply, the real problem with OCD and Anxiety is that our primal alarm system is going off when nothing is actually wrong. It is being set off by intrusive thoughts or “what if scenarios” about the past and future. The point being that your alarm system is trying to move you into survival mode when there is no danger. And the harder we try to resolve this possible...

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OCD & Anxiety Treatment: How We Justify Living With Anxiety

Feb 26, 2020

OCD & Anxiety Treatment: How We Justify Living With Anxiety


In this episode, I discuss how we often justify living with anxiety. To put simply, when our anxious minds come up with a potential threat and then we engage in a specific behavior in an attempt to neutralize the threat. We form a false connection. If the perceived threat...

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OCD & Anxiety Treatment: The Real Problem with Anxiety

Feb 19, 2020

OCD & Anxiety Treatment: The Real Problem with Anxiety


In this episode, I discuss the real problem of living with anxiety and how anxiety is different from fear. A person who is struggling with anxiety will never see anxiety as the real problem because their focus is always drawn to the potential threat their mind has generated. As the...

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